Happy Moms, Healthy Feeding

#Web-design #Service-design #User-centered-design

Individual project

Happy Moms, Healthy Feeding is a mother-centered, family-inclusive website designed to provide Chinese mothers and their families with unbiased, scientific information about infant feeding options.

This project aims at addressing the significant societal and familial pressures Chinese mothers face, particularly the feeling of being compelled to breastfeed, by fostering a supportive environment.


Literature Review
Information Collecting
on Social Media  
Case Study

Research conclusions

Breastfeeding is beneficial, yet formula feeding remains a valid choice. And mothers should feel free to choose how to feed babies.
However, in China, family expectations to breastfeed add a lot of pressure on mothers.
Therefore, it is essential to empower mothers in making infant feeding decisions.
At the same time, it is also important to advocate for family understanding and support.

Design brief

With the clear research insights, the design brief has been created as the starting point of the project development.

Project Title
"Happy Moms, Healthy Feeding"
Project Overview
A website to offer fair information and help making choices.
Target Users  
Expectant mothers, fathers,
and grandparents in China.

Project Feature 1 
① unbiased and
scientific information

Project Feature 2 
② mother-centered,

Project Feature 3  
③ supportive environment,
no judgement

Design flow

Design outcome

Click here to try the website prototype.

Website structure

With the website content gathered, the site structure has been established, and the pages are organized accordingly. The navigation mirrors this structure, ensuring a cohesive user experience.

Website navigation


Easy navigation is ensured through a top bar that directs to seven key sections.

The theme of mother and baby care is highlighted by using a mother-child photo and logo.

The slogan, 'Choose the Feeding Way That's Right for You' lays the foundation for the mission: to provide clear, scientific information on baby feeding options.

Main sections of the website are briefly introduced.

Users are invited to explore personalized letters and overviews of different feeding methods.

Decision making and support

This section provides tailored letters for mothers, fathers, and grandparents, each crafted to address the unique roles and responsibilities within the family, to foster a supportive family environment.

Feeding Methods in Details

This section offers an unbiased, comprehensive look at breastfeeding, formula feeding, and mixed feeding.

Through the 'homepage' of each feeding methods, users could  explore the reasons behind each feeding choice, associated challenges, and other practical advice.

example: formula feeding

As mentioned before, unbiased and scientific information about each feeding method is provided at corresponding feeding method section.

In China, there is a noticeable lack of centralized information on formula feeding due to the strong promotion of breastfeeding as the mainstream choice.

Consequently, in one dedicated section, I have made a concerted effort to provide comprehensive and impartial information on formula feeding. This includes details on various types of formula and in-depth profiles of popular brands.

Comparison of Feeding Methods

With the effectively designed infographic chart, this comparison serves as a excellent starting point to decide among three feeding methods.

This tool elucidates key differences across dimensions such as cost, flexibility, and nutritional value, rating each criterion on a 1 to 5 star scale.

Feeding method
recommendation tool

This tool recommends an infant feeding method based on an interactive scored questionnaire assessing medical and personal factors.

It guides expectant mothers through initial medical screening and detailed personal preferences to determine the most suitable feeding option.

Recommendations are preliminary, with professional consultation advised for final decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

It starts with a selection of FAQs for each category, providing immediate answers to common concerns, all verified by medical experts for accuracy and reliability.

There is the opportunity for visitors to submit personal queries.

Experience sharing

This section features a multimedia platform with three subsections: Mom's Voice, A Partner's Share, and Elder's Experience.

Each provides video insights from different family roles—mothers, partners, and elders—on infant feeding and caregiving.

Discussion Forum

This forum allows users to ask questions, share personal experiences, and explore stories from others, encouraging constructive dialogue and peer-to-peer support.

It is a platform that cultivates shared experiences and collective wisdom.
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